Product >> Tape >> 3M Vinyl Electrical Tape PVC 電力膠帶>> 3M Vinyl Electrical Tape 21S 電工膠帶 лента ПВХ PVC tape
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3M Vinyl Electrical Tape 21S Изолента PVC Tape Tape 21S is a quality, general-purpose vinyl insulating tape. It has excellent resistance to abrasion, moisture, alkalis, acid, copper corrosion and varying weather conditions . It is a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tape that has a high dielectric strength, is very conformable, and provides excellent mechanical protection with minimum bulk. Tape 21S is not RoHS ready. * Primary electrical insulation for all wire and cable splices rated up to 600 volts. * Primary electrical insulation for 600 volts bus applications and protective jacketing for low and high voltage bus. * Protective jacketing for high voltage cable splices and repairs. * Harnessing of wires and cables / For indoor or outdoor applications / For above or below grade applications. * 0.13mmx19mmx18M / 10 pcs in a pack & 500 pcs in a case 通用型 絕緣效果高好,抗濕氣、磨損、腐蝕、鹼和酸性物 好撕不黏膠 紅 黑 白 黃 藍 綠 灰 色, 具標記marking的功能 溫度範圍從 0°C至80 °C изоляция проводов и кабелей при ремонте, сращивание и усиление кабелей Сделано в Тайване |
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