Product>>Tape>>3M Repulpable Tape 水溶性膠帶 - 造紙印刷膠帶
3M 水溶性膠帶強度夠,很容易使用,容易選擇,完全可溶,為業界的領導品牌. 水溶性膠黏劑不會對紙張及造紙設備造成污染,應用於造紙,紙品加工及印刷工業中的紙張搭接。 3M水溶膠帶用於大型紙卷最後之接頭,提供高強度之剪力,不會溢膠。
Type |
Product |
Color |
Comments |
Tape Thickness mils(mm) |
Structure Backing/ Adhesive |
Liner |
Heat Resistance (F/C) |
Type |
Thickness mils/(mm) |
Permanent Double Coated 永久用雙面 |
405 |
Lt. Green |
Excellent for raw and starch-treated papers. |
3.0 (0.08) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
1.7 (0.04) |
400 (200) |
900 |
Blue |
Recommended for LWC papers. |
2.5 (0.06) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
400 (200) |
900B |
Blue |
Recommended for supercalendered papers. |
2.5 (0.06) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
400 (200) |
9974 |
Blue/White |
Recommended for uncoated, newsprint and most coated papers. |
3.0 (0.08) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
350 (180) |
Permanent Single Coated 永久用單面 |
901 |
Lt. Green |
Excellent for raw and starch-treated papers. |
4.0 (0.10) |
Paper/Repulpable |
1.7 (0.04) |
400 (200) |
910 |
Blue |
Recommended for coated and uncoated papers and paperboard. |
4.0 (0.10) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
400 (200) |
9103 |
Blue |
Printable, coatable backing. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
400 (200) |
9114 |
Blue |
The easiest way to make a butt splice. Printable. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
400 (200) |
9960 |
Blue |
Thinnest butt splicing tape for lightweight uncoated and coated and supercalendered papers. |
2.2 (0.06) |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
350 (180) |
9969 |
Blue/White |
Very thin butt splicing/cover tape for uncoated, |
2.2 (0.06) |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
350 (180) |
Temporary Double Coated 暫時用雙面 |
905 |
Clear |
Thinnest, fiber reinforced adhesive transfer tape. |
2.0 (0.05) |
None/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.3 (0.08) |
250 (120) |
906 |
Blue/White |
Flying splice at the Off-Machine Coater (OMC). |
3.0 (0.08) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
400 (200) |
913 |
Blue |
Paster tape for splices at newspaper printers. |
3.5 (0.09) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
400 (200) |
9022 |
White |
Heavy tissue, very high tack for core starting. |
5.5 (0.14) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.6 (0.09) |
300 (150) |
9038 |
Blue/White |
General purpose plus flying splice for the commercial printers and corrugators. |
3.5 (0.09) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
350 (180) |
9069 |
Blue |
Excellent for newsprint or directory stock. |
3.5 (0.09) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
400 (200) |
9974 |
Blue/White |
General purpose, excellent all around performance. |
3.0 (0.08) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
350 (180) |
9977 |
Blue |
Reinforced tissue, strongest flying splice tape for heavy papers and easy tear back. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Hemp Tissue/ Repulpable |
Paper |
3.5 (0.09) |
400 (200) |
9979 |
Orange |
General purpose temporary splicing and core starting. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Tissue/Repulpable |
Paper |
3.2 (0.08) |
350 (180) |
Temporary Single Coated 暫時用單面 |
902 |
White |
General purpose, lower shear. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
250 (120) |
917 |
Blue/White/ Kraft |
General purpose, strong repulpable backing. |
7.0 (0.18) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
300 (150) |
9982 |
White |
General purpose tabbing tape. |
3.5 (0.09) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
300 (150) |
9985 |
Blue/White/ Kraft |
General purpose, excellent holding power. |
4.5 (0.11) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
300 (150) |
9987 |
Blue/White/ Kraft/Black |
Strongest plus extensible backing, excellent holding power. Butt splicing on heavy paper and paperboard. |
7.0 (0.18) |
Paper/Repulpable |
none |
none |
300 (150) |
Splittable Flying Splice (SFS) |
9990 |
Blue |
Splittable flying splice (SFS) system with metalized layer for autosensing and splice detection applications. |
3.5(0.09)* |
Aluminumized Paper/ Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
250 (120) |
9992 |
Blue |
SFS tape with extra split in the liner for bridging the splicing adhesive on belt driven splicers. |
2.5 (0.06)* |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
250 (120) |
9993 |
Blue |
All in one tabbing and splicing tape for newspaper, rotogravure and non-heatset printing applications. |
2.5(0.06)* |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
250 (120) |
9994 |
Blue |
High temperature, high-pressure SFS tape for flying splices into papermill supercalendering operations. |
2.5 (0.06)* |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
400 (200) |
9996 |
Blue |
Thinnest SFS tape for splicing applications in papermill and paper converting coating operations. |
2.5 (0.06)* |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
400 (200) |
9997 |
Blue |
High temperature SFS tape for flying splices in heatset printing applications. |
2.5 (0.06)* |
Paper/Repulpable |
Paper |
2.9 (0.07) |
400 (200) |
Temporary Tapes: • Good shear
strength, high tack, and reliable heat resistance
Permanent Tapes: • High shear strength to stay with paper through sheeting,
printing, slitting, and perforating.
906B/910/917B/9952/9969/9974水溶性膠帶: | 特種水溶性膠黏劑不會對紙張及造紙設備造成污染,廣氾應用 于造紙,紙品加工及印刷工業中的紙張搭接。 |
917水溶性單面膠帶 | 用於起卷和封卷。高強度背材和瞬時初粘性有效防止連接點滑動移位。 |
9022水溶性雙面膠帶 | 用於起卷和封卷。瞬時初粘性適用於所有的紙芯和紙張粘接。在解卷結束時,膠帶本身分層而不至於損坏紙芯。 |
9974水溶性雙面膠帶 | 用於裁切、起卷和封卷。高初粘性、抗剪切強度和剝離強度適合大多數類型紙張。 |
9954水溶性雙面膠帶 | 適用於非塗布紙 硬質膠粘劑避免溢膠和滲膠,適用於非塗布紙、新聞紙和生活用紙,具有永久性高抗裁剪切強度。 |
900B水溶性雙面膠帶 |
適用於塗布紙---900B適用於塗布紙的搭接,接頭經壓光工藝時不會發生拉伸鬆動現象。特種膠粘劑穿透塗布層粘著于紙基而產生很強的粘接力。 |
9969可印刷水溶性單面膠帶 | 9969超薄背材料單面膠帶賦予接頭優異的後續加工性能,如塗布、壓光及出廠后的印刷。 |
9969補洞膠帶(PGM98-055) | 白色超薄型背材與透明膠粘劑的完美組合形成一個不易察覺的,可塗布和印刷的"補丁". |
9117可定位水溶性對接用單面膠帶 | 9117是專利產品,特有的附加定位膠帶與永久性膠帶的組合,即使紙幅變寬,也無需增加操作人員、省時省工。 |
906水溶性飛接用雙面膠帶 | 906膠帶適用於紙張飛接工藝,具有瞬時粘著性和高抗剪切作用力。 |
9969補洞膠帶(PGM98-055) | 白色超薄型背材與透明膠粘劑的完美組合形成一個鄙不易覺察的,可塗布和印刷的“補丁”。 |
水溶性接頭505 | 飛接--可增加在高速飛接時的效率,降低準備時間,〝象鼻〞及〝耳朵〞組成一個 獨特的多功能的設計,可避免分開的接頭需求。 |
水溶性雙面接頭膠帶9979 | 覆接---橘色基材的確保覆接時非常簡單及可見、可辨識且一致的牽引, 橘色將於水溶時消失。 |
對接膠帶9111、9117或9114 | 對接---其在操作時皆可平整使用,且具較強之接合效果 |
水溶性雙面飛接膠帶906 | 印刷機之飛接---3M永久性水溶性膠帶黏貼在紙上時, 提供裁紙、印刷、分絛與打孔之良好操作性,即使高溫亦有理想之接著強度 |
900水溶性雙面膠帶 | 重疊搭接 |
9969水溶性單面膠帶 | 紙張加工機台之對接 |
9974水溶性雙向膠帶 | 靜態重疊搭接 |
913水溶性雙面膠帶 | 各種印刷與搭接形式之飛接 |
902單面膠帶 | 1. 白牛皮纸加了一層透明高黏著力的3M水溶性膠黏 2. 整捲膠帶 100% 完全水溶性 3. 每捲單獨封裝必免潮濕 4. 為造紙業常用通用型之單面水溶性膠帶, 一般用, 低剪力 5. 耐溫 200度C 6. 厚度 0.1mm |
中央商業有限公司 Power Hub Inc.