Product >> Tape >> 3M 雙面膠帶>> 3M VHB 超強黏性雙面膠帶 4914 4920 4930 4950 4955 4959 4926 4936 4941 4956 4932 4952 4945 4951 F9460PC 4615 F9469PC F9473P 4910 4615 4604 4611 4229P 2110
3M VHB 超強黏性雙面膠帶: 3M VHB雙面泡棉膠帶選用壓克力膠,比一般橡膠膠系的背膠,有更好的抗氧化、抗UV以及耐溫表現. 一般常見的泡棉材質多為PE、PU,3M VHB雙面泡棉膠帶以獨家研發壓克力膠發泡而成,其結構強度是一般泡棉的五倍以上。別於一般傳統的泡棉的發泡方式,3M VHB雙面泡棉膠帶採用密封式(Closed cell) 發泡,每個氣泡相互獨立,因此能有效阻絕水氣,達到水密氣密的效果。
1. Very High Bond — 超強黏性雙面膠帶 2. 結構性強之壓克力膠 3. 完全密閉之泡棉結構 ( Closed Cell )
VHB 特殊之處
‧有效減輕重量。 ‧取代螺絲、鉚釘、焊接。 ‧同時固定及密封。 ‧極佳的填縫效果,隔絕溼氣、灰塵、及化學物質。 ‧耐久性耐候性優異。
‧抗震抗老化、減低噪音。 ‧能連結不同材質。 ‧抗UV、抗溶劑。 ‧適用於高溫差環境。
產品 編號 |
離形 紙 |
膠的厚度(MM) (不含 離形紙) |
特 性 |
膠型 |
耐溫性 |
抗溶 劑性 |
相對黏性 |
主要用途 |
短期 |
長期 |
HSE 高表面能量 |
LSE 低表面能量 |
4926 |
A |
0.4 |
灰黑色,密閉分子結構壓克力泡棉基材,服貼性,適用一般烤漆表面,可抗塑劑. 通過UL746C認證. 4956黑色 |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
中 |
車體 行動電話 配電盤 廣告標誌 LCD 玻璃窗 |
4936 |
A |
0.64 |
4936F |
B |
0.64 |
4941 |
A |
1.1 |
4941F |
D |
1.1 |
4956 |
A |
1.6 |
4956F |
B |
1.6 |
4979F |
B |
1.6 |
4932 |
A |
0.64 |
白色,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材,適用於PP或粉底塗裝表面. |
合成 |
93℃ |
71℃ |
高 |
高 |
高 |
電腦掛架 適用於PP, PE (LSE) |
4952 |
A |
1.1 |
4951 |
C |
1.1 |
白色,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材,適用施工溫度可低至0℃. |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
手機天線 |
4943F |
C |
1.1 |
灰色,高服貼性泡棉,適用施工溫度可低至0℃. |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
電子收費 偵測器 |
4957F |
C |
1.6 |
4905 |
D |
0.5 |
透明,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材,非常適用於透明材質之黏著. |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
透明壓克力招牌 玻璃門把手 |
4910 |
D |
1 |
4920 |
A |
0.4 |
白色,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材,泛用型膠系.通過UL 746C認證. |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
掃瞄器 防水攝影機 行動電話 交通標誌 電梯 高爾夫球桿 |
4930 |
A |
0.64 |
4950 停產 |
A |
1.1 |
4955 |
C |
2 |
壓克力 |
204℃ |
149℃ |
4959 (16.5M) |
C |
3 |
4929 |
C |
0.64 |
黑色 |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
線夾 |
4949 |
C |
1.1 |
4945 |
A |
1.1 |
白色,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材,抗可塑劑.通過UL 746C認證. |
壓克力 |
149℃ |
93℃ |
高 |
高 |
中 |
帷幕牆 金屬門 燈飾 |
4946 |
B |
1.1 |
F-9460 PC |
E |
0.05 |
透明,薄膜型膠帶 高剪力強度膠系 通過UL 746C認證 |
100VHB |
260℃ |
149℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
軟性電路板 散熱片 |
F-9469 PC |
E |
0.13 |
F-9473 PC |
E |
0.25 |
4914 | 紙 | 0.25 | 白色,密閉式分子結構壓克力基材 抗UV. | 壓克力 | 149℃ | 93℃ | 高 | 高 |
低 |
通用型 |
4615 | 0.4 | |||||||||
4604 | 0.4 |
灰色壓克力泡棉雙面膠帶 高密封耐久特性 |
耐熱、耐高溼度,低溫下初黏性佳 感壓膠,膠性高柔軟,適凹凸不平的表面、制震效果佳 |
4611 | D : Red PE Film | 1.1 | Dark Grey | 232℃ | 149℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
general purpose acrylic adhesive | |
2110 |
D : Red PE Film | 1.1 | Dark Grey | 232℃ | 149℃ |
高 |
高 |
低 |
Solar Acrylic Foam Tape
general purpose acrylic adhesive Tape 2110 is UL listed under UL 746C category QOQW2, file number MH17478.
離形紙: A: 3mil 牛皮紙 B: 5mil PE膜 C: 2mil PE膜 D: 紅色 5mil PE膜 E: 4mil PE塗佈牛皮紙
HSE--高表面能量(High Surface Energy): ABS,PC,PE,PVC,PET
SLE--低表面能量(Low Surface Energy): PVA,PS, EVA,PE,PP,Teflon
Tape 4914 is a double coated 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) pressure sensitive
adhesive tape for bonding a wide range of materials, including many types of
metals and plastics. This product has excellent adhesion and shear strength,
and also resists to UV lights and elevated temperatures. 高抗溶劑性 膠型:
壓克力 |
3M Acrylic Foam Tape 4229P for automobile 雙面膠帶 用於汽車等各類塑膠黏貼固定 4229P
Tape Number |
Color |
Thickness inch |
Thickness mm |
4611 | Dk_Gray | 0.045 | 1.1 |
2110 | Dk_Gray | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4618 | White | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4622 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4624 | White | 0.062 | 1.55 |
4646 | Dk_Gray | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4655 | Dk_Gray | 0.062 | 1.55 |
4905 | Clear | 0.02 | 0.5 |
4910 | Clear | 0.04 | 1 |
4914 | White | 0.01 | 0.25 |
4919F | Black | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4920 | White | 0.015 | 0.4 |
4926 | Gray | 0.015 | 0.4 |
4929 | Black | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4930(F) | White | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4932 | White | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4936(F) | Gray | 0.025 | 0.64 |
4941(F) | Gray | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4943F | Gray | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4945 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4946 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4947F | Black | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4949 | Black | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4950 停產 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4951 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4952 | White | 0.045 | 1.1 |
4955 | White | 0.08 | 2 |
4956(F) | Gray | 0.062 | 1.55 |
4957F | Gray | 0.062 | 1.55 |
4959(F) | White | 0.12 | 3 |
4979F | Black | 0.062 | 1.55 |
4991 | Gray | 0.09 | 2.3 |
5915(P) | Black | 0.016 | 0.4 |
5925(P) | Black | 0.025 | 0.64 |
5930(P) | Black | 0.032 | 0.8 |
5952(P) | Black | 0.045 | 1.1 |
5958FR | Black | 0.04 | 1 |
5962(P) | Black | 0.062 | 1.55 |
Temperature: Ideal
application temperature range is 70°F to 100°F (21°C to 38°C). Pressure
sensitive adhesives use
viscous flow to achieve substrate contact area. Minimum suggested application
• 50°F (10°C): 3M VHB Tapes 4950, 4910, 4952, 4611, 4622 families.
• 60°F (15°C): 3M VHB Tape 4945 family.
• 32°F (0°C): 3M VHB Tape 4951 family.
3M VHB Industrial Adhesives and Tapes |
Products |
Product code |
Thickness (mm) |
Color |
Certifications* |
Temperature Resistance °C |
Solvent Resistance |
Peel Strength (N/cm) |
Relative Adhesion |
Long term (days, weeks) |
Short term (minutes, hours) |
High Surface Energy |
Low Surface Energy |
The conformability of the VHB Leaders allows a more complete bond contact area when bonding rigid or irregular materials. These products offer excellent adhesion to the broadest range of substrates. The modified acrylic adhesive is especially developed for powder coated paints. In many applications, the use of a primer is not necessary with this family of tapes. |
5925 |
0,6 |
Black |
UL746C |
+93 |
+149 |
high |
30 |
high |
high |
5952 |
1,1 |
Black |
UL746C |
+93 |
+149 |
high |
35 |
high |
high |
5962 |
1,5 |
Black |
UL746C |
+93 |
+149 |
high |
35 |
high |
high |
The conformability of the VHB Leaders allows a more complete bond contact area when bonding rigid or irregular materials. These products offer excellent adhesion to a broad range of substrates, including plasticized vinyl. |
4926 |
0,4 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
21 |
high |
medium |
4936 |
0,6 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
30 |
high |
medium |
4941 |
1,1 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
35 |
high |
medium |
4956 |
1,5 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
35 |
high |
medium |
4991 |
2,3 |
UL746C |
+93 |
+120 |
high |
35 |
high |
medium |
4919 |
0,6 |
Black |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
30 |
high |
medium |
4947 |
1,1 |
Black |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
35 |
high |
medium |
VHB Flame retardant: Black. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Highly conformable. Excellent adhesion to painted and powder-coated surfaces. Flame retardant. |
5958FR |
1,0 |
Black |
FAR 25.853 |
+93 |
+149 |
high |
44 |
high |
high |
VHB for high temperatures: Dark grey. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Resistant to high temperatures and powder-coating cycles. |
4646 |
0,6 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+150 |
+232 |
high |
20 |
high |
low |
4611 |
1,1 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+150 |
+232 |
high |
20 |
high |
low |
4655 |
1,5 |
Gray |
UL746C |
+150 |
+232 |
high |
20 |
high |
low |
White. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Resistant to high temperatures and powder-coating cycles. |
4613 |
1,1 |
White |
+90 |
+150 |
high |
32 |
high |
low |
VHB for low temperatures: Grey. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Conformable. Can be applied at low temperatures (0ºC) |
4943 |
1,1 |
Gray |
+90 |
+150 |
high |
44 |
high |
medium |
4957 |
1,5 |
Gray |
+90 |
+150 |
high |
44 |
high |
medium |
VHB Clear: Transparent. Solid acrylic adhesive. Ideal for bonding transparent materials such as glass, polycarbonate and plastics. |
4905 |
0,5 |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
21 |
high |
low |
4910 |
1 |
White |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
26 |
high |
low |
4915 |
1,5 |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
26 |
high |
low |
4918 |
2 |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
26 |
high |
low |
VHB for low energy surfaces: White. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Good adhesion to polyethylene and polypropylene. |
4932 |
0,6 |
White |
+71 |
+93 |
high |
35 |
high |
high |
4952 |
1,1 |
White |
+71 |
+93 |
high |
44 |
high |
high |
VHB for high energy surfaces: White. Closed-cell acrylic foam carrier. Rigid. Excellent shear performance. |
4920 |
0,4 |
White |
UL746C |
+90 |
+150 |
high |
26 |
high |
low |
4930 |
0,6 |
White |
UL746C |
+93 |
+150 |
high |
35 |
high |
low |
4950 |
1,1 |
White |
UL746C |
+95 |
+150 |
high |
44 |
high |
low |
4912 |
2 |
White |
+150 |
+200 |
high |
30 |
high |
medium |
4945 |
1,1 |
White |
UL746C |
+95 |
+150 |
high |
44 |
high |
medium |
4949 |
1,1 |
Black |
+95 |
+150 |
high |
44 |
high |
low |
VHB RP. Right Performance, Right Product, Right Price Close-cell acrylic foam carrier. Conformable |
RP25 |
0.6 |
Gray |
+93 |
+120 |
high |
26 |
high |
low |
RP45 |
1.1 |
Gray |
+93 |
+120 |
high |
28 |
high |
low |
RP62 |
1.6 |
Gray |
+93 |
+120 |
high |
31 |
high |
low |
3M VHB 丙烯酸泡棉結構雙面膠帶 Y-4604 Y-4608 Y-4612 Y-4620
中央商業有限公司 Power Hub Inc.