Product >> Lubricants, Coatings & Cleanings>> 3M 1601 電氣絕緣填縫漆噴劑 Scotch Varnished Insulating Spray
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3M Scotch Varnished Insulating Spray Electrical Insulating 電氣絕緣填縫漆噴劑 1601 1602 1603 1604 電氣絕緣填縫漆 是預防、保養、防護的一般性產品。可保護設備免於酸、鹼侵蝕,耐侯性良好,並耐濕氣、油脂及工業廢氣,延長設備使用壽命,增強絕緣能力,並能有效防止水份滲透,保護設備免於生銹的威脅。 1.電動機等之維護時,作為漆面或絕緣填縫之用。2.可增加絕緣用凡立漆(Varnish)之厚度以增強絕緣能力。3.匯流排(bus bar)接點之絕緣處理。室外電路接頭之防水、絕緣、保護。4.電路板、電子零組件、線圈、變壓器、晶體、電阻等電子器材之絕緣保護。 5. 透明 1601 / 紅 1602 / 黑 1603 / 灰 1604 400ml 德國製造 1601 is a transparent insulating varnish. It is transformed into a flexible and resistant film. It presents an excellent adhesion on the majority of the supports such as metal, glass, plastic, wood. .etc. Resists UV, acids, oils. .etc. It isolates from the mould, is damp-proof and is characterized by its high dielectric rigidity.
* Color: Transparent
1601 / Red 1602 / Black 1603 / Grey 1604
* Excellent adhesion to
most surfaces Resistant to UV rays, acids, oil and alkalis. Temp. Stability
120C after 700 hrs. * Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case Scotch 1601 is a clear insulating and covering paint based on alkyd resin. It “hardens” into a flexible and resistant film, with excellent adhesion to most common surfaces such as metal, glass, plastic, wood, etc. Scotch 1601 is resistant to UV-rays, acids, oil and alkalis, it is moisture and weatherproof and is especially characterized by its high dielectric strength. 相對於 3M 1601 14853 耐候性更好 1601是透明 14853是暗褐色 1601用噴的 14853是用塗的 |
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3M 1601, 1602, 1603 Insulating Sprays / 3M 電氣絕緣填縫劑 Protect surfaces against weather, moisture, corrosion, oil, alkalies and acids with the Scotch 1601, 1602, and 1603 Insulating Sprays. Fast-drying enamel sealers and insulators, these electrical grade sprays provide easy access to hard-to-reach spots. Use 3M insulating spray sealers over insulation on wire and cable splices, as a general-purpose sealer, or for touchup insulation on motor windings and frames. Sprays are available in clear (1601), red (1602) or black (1603) pressurized cans. Precautionary information is available on the product container. * Weight: 340 g/ 12 pcs in case 特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐酸﹑鹼﹑溼氣﹑油脂及工業廢氣﹐延長電機使用壽命。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 每0.01吋厚耐電壓為850伏特﹐絕緣性強。4. 快乾 5. 壓力噴霧灌式包裝﹐使用方便﹐可到達每一個死角。6.有3種顏色可供選擇。1601透明無色﹑1602紅色﹑1603黑色。 用途: 1.電動機等之修護時﹐作為漆面或絕緣填縫之用。2.可增加絕緣用凡立漆(Varnish)之厚度以增強絕緣能力。3. 匯流排(bus bar)接點之絕緣處理。室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護。電路板﹑電子零組件﹑線圈﹑變壓器﹑晶體﹑電阻等電子器材之絕緣保護。 |
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3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating FD 快乾 / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆 60151替代 14853 ECFD 3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating FD is designed as a fast-drying sealantand bonding agent intended for use on joints wrapped with plastic electrical tape. Product Features
Compatible with Scotch® Vinyl Electrical Tapes Scotchkote electrical coating FD is intended for use as an outer seal on plastic tape applications which are subjected to excessive amounts of oil. It also improves the weather resistance and moisture resistance of the taped joint or splice. It is suitable for direct burial, direct water immersion or above ground applications.
Physical Properties
Typical Value 15 fl. oz. (0.44 L) of coating. Case quantity is 10 cans. Item Number: 60151
特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾, 在 22 度C 12分鐘後 不黏手. 5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F) 閃點: 0°F/-18°C 用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護 絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil 或是 24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil 可用於直埋或浸於水中之電器、電纜接頭之防水保護處理,免受天候環境的侵蝕,提高並延長使用年限,在強化防水性能外,另優化漆膜提升「快乾、抗油脂、耐候、耐濕、彈性」等功能。優異的彈性度及不透水性,能有效阻隔水份滲透,達到全面防水效果。 § 防水、油脂、碳化氫及絕緣作用 § 塗於電氣用膠帶之外層,可防水、防油、耐天候變化,加強保護效果 § 乾燥後漆面具有彈性,不易受機械傷害 § 快乾、持久保持其乾燥性 § 可用於直埋或浸於水中之電 器、電纜接頭之防水保護處理 § 耐候性、耐濕性強 § 內含塗刷,使用方便 § 電動機等之修護時,作為漆面或絕緣防水之用 § 使用後可封罐,不易造成浪費 § 室外電路接頭之防水、絕緣、保護 特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾, 在 22 度C 12分鐘後 不黏手. 5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F) 閃點: 0°F/-18°C 用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護 絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil 或是 24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil
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3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating 14853 / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆 14853 停產 Scotchkote electrical coating is intended for use as an outer seal on plastic tape applications which are subjected to excessive amounts of oil. It also improves the weather resistance and moisture resistance of the taped joint or splice. It is suitable for direct burial, direct water immersion or above ground applications. A fast drying sealant and bonding compound, the coating is provided in a brush top 16 oz. can for quick and easy application, can containing 15 fl. oz. (0.44 L) of coating. Case quantity is 10 cans. Item Number: 14853 * Fast drying / Flexible when dry / self-contained applicator / No waste if container resealed after use. Adhesive to wood, metal, rubber and plastic. * Compatible with PVC tape. use as an outer seal * Dielectric Strength : Dry 450Volts/mil or 24hrs in H2O 200 volts/mil * Scotchkote can be applied down to approximately 0° F since the flash point of the solvents is 0° F, but the solvents will evaporate more slowly as the temperature decreases. It's operating high temperature is in the 176°F to 194° F ( 90°C) range. 特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾, 在 22 度C 15分鐘後 不黏手. 5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F) 閃點: 0°F/-18°C 用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護 絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil 或是 24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil |
中央商業有限公司 Power Hub Inc.