Product >> Tape >> 3M Sealing & Insulating Tape Bande Cinta Klebeband テープ Amalgamating Tape
Mastic Tape
• Moisture protection
• Sticks to greasy surfaces
• Padding for odd shaped components
• Primary insulation up to 1kV
• Indoor and outdoor use
• Self-healing
Mastic tapes offer excellent
adhesion and sealing characteristics to metals, rubbers, synthetic cable
insulations and jackets. They provide UV resistance and are designed for outdoor
conditions because
they quickly and easily resist moisture.
3M Electrical Tape
Selection 3M電力膠帶選擇
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3M Vinyl Mastic Tape 2200 & 2100 Not in Stock..無庫存 Scotch Vinyl Mastic Pads 2200 (125 mil) and Scotch Vinyl Mastic Roll 2210 (90 mil) .Both are self-fusing, rubber-based insulating compounds laminated to a flexible, all-weather grade PVC backing. Both rolls and pads are resistant to abrasion, moisture, alkalies, acid, copper corrosion, U.V. and varying weather conditions. This conformable pad is for insulating, moisture-sealing and pad connections up to 600V. Compatible with solid dielectric cable insulation, it is temperature-rated to 176°F (80°C). Features: • Compatible Rubber Mastic • Flexible over wide range of temperatures • Highly resistant to ultraviolet light • Usable for indoor or outdoor applications Applications (600V maximum): • Bolted connections • Service drops • Traffic signal wire connections • Lighting connections • Transformer bushing protection * Tape 2200: 3-1/4 x 4-1/2" pads (83 x 114 mm) or 6-1/2 x 4-1/2" pads (165 x 114 mm) /10 pads per box & 50 pads per case * Tape 2210: 4" x 10' roll (102 mm x 3,05 m) /1rolls per box & 10 rolls per case |
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3M Vinyl Mastic Tape 06147 Roll & 06149 Pad - Electrical Moisture Sealant Both are self-fusing, rubber based thin insulating mastic compounds laminated to a flexible, all-weather grade PVC backing and are designed for moisture sealing of electrical connections up to 600 volts. 45 mil thick. *Application: Bolted Connection/Terminal Protection/Insulation Displacement connectors/Lighting Connections etc. * Roll 06147: 1 in x 10 ft ( T1.14mmx25.4 mm x 3,05 m) * Roll 06147: 2 1/2 in x 10 ft (63 mm x 3,05 m), 10 per case * Pad 06149: 2 1/2 in x 2 1/2 in (63 mm x 63mm), 25 pcs per box & 250 per case 抗UV
PVC 基材 |
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3M Scotch Rubber Mastic Tape 2228 RoHS 2228 - : a conformable self–fusing rubber electrical insulating & sealing tape. It consists of an ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) backing coated with an aggressive, temperature–stable mastic adhesive. The tape is made 65 mils (1,65 mm) thick for quick application build–up. Designed for electrical insulating and moisture sealing applications. Can be used on copper or aluminum conductors rated at 90°C, with an emergency overload rating of 130°C. Excellent resistance to moisture and ultraviolet exposure and is intended for both indoor and weather exposed outdoor applications. Features: • Conformable for application over irregular surfaces • Compatible with solid dielectric cable insulations • Self-fusing tape • Flexible over wide temperature range • Excellent weather and moisture resistance • Excellent adhesion and sealing characteristics with copper, aluminum and power cable jacket materials * Primary electrical insulation for cable and wire connections rated up to 1000 volts/ * Electrical insulation and vibration padding for motor leads rated up to 1000 volts/ * Primary electrical insulation for bus bar connections rated up to 35 kv /* Padding for irregular shaped bus bar bolted connections / * Moisture seal for cable and wire connections /* Moisture seal for service drops /* Moisture seal for ground wire and rod connections /* Jacket seal on power cable applications
良好防水、自融性、膠帶、電氣絕緣及密封的膠帶。2228 # 防水絕緣膠帶是一種以乙丙橡膠 EPR 為帶基, 塗有膠粘劑Mastic的自融性膠帶。 良好的耐熱性及防水性, 高熱傳導性, 阻燃性, 對不規則的表面有良好的從形性, 對鋼、鋁材及電纜外覆有相當好的粘著性, 90℃下,仍能保護穩定的物理及電氣特性. 帶基為乙丙橡膠,表面塗有粘接力強、熱穩定性好的膠粘劑。它可用在電氣絕緣和防水密封等場合,對銅、鋁和電纜護套材料。3M #2228自融防水膠帶和3M 33+ PVC絕緣膠帶一起使用,可對電氣線路提供可靠的防水密封和優良的抗紫外線保護。 ‧ 用於通信設備基站、天線、窺線等接頭處防水 ‧ 架空絕緣導線接頭的防水密封保護 ‧ 電纜外護套修復 ‧ 適用於1000伏及以下主絕緣恢復 ‧ 適用於1000伏及以下馬達引線的絕緣 ‧ 35KV及以下母線排連接的主絕緣 ‧ 地線的防水密封 該膠帶厚度為1.65mm,帶基是乙丙橡膠,表面塗有壓敏型橡膠膠粘劑。通常使用溫度90℃,緊急溫度130℃。 最佳使用溫度為 0~38℃,用於戶內或戶外均可。 2228膠帶在通常情況下,不會產生開裂等現象。它對聚合物電纜的護套和絕緣均有良好的相容性,並且對銅和鋁沒有腐蝕性。 為得到最佳的從形性及防水密封效果,繞包時應拉伸膠帶,使之為原來拉伸前的寬度的四分之三。繞包完,宜用手在被包覆處擠壓膠帶,使層間貼附緊密無氣隙以便充分粘結。 最後,在2228膠帶外面,須半重疊繞包兩層PVC膠帶,以提供機械保護。 * Tape 2228: 1 in x 10 ft (25 mm x 3,05 m) 10 pcs per case, 2 in x 10 ft (51 mm x 3,05 m) 10 pcs per case, 2 in x 3 ft (51 mm x 0,9m) 48 pcs per case |
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3M Scotch Seal Mastic Tape 2229 RoHS Scotch-Seal Mastic Tape 2229 - : is designed for quick and easy insulating, padding and sealing of electrical connections. It is a conformable, durable, tacky mastic with an easy release liner for easy applications over irregular surfaces and provides excellent moisture resistance. It features superior self-healing characteristics after being punctured or cut. It is well suited for corrosion protection applicants and is resistant to U.V. radiation. Features: • Excellent adhesion and sealing characteristics to metals, rubbers, synthetic cable insulations and jackets • Wide temperature stability while maintaining its sealing properties. (-34°C to 71°C) • Conformable and moldable for easy applications over irregular surfaces • Does not crack when subjected to repeated flexing • Retains its flexibility at low temperatures resulting in ease of application and continuous performance at reduced temperatures Applications: • For sealing high voltage cable splice and termination accessories • For insulating electrical connections rated up to 1000 volts if over wrapped with vinyl or rubber electrical tape • For padding irregular shaped connections • For providing corrosion protection to a wide variety of electrical connections and applications • For sealing ducts and cable end seals • For sealing against dust, soil, water and other environmental conditions * 125 mil (3,18mm) thick. Temp. Rating 176°F (80°C) * Rolls: 3-3/4" x 10' (102 mm x 3,05 m) / 1" x 10' (25 mm x 3,05 m) * Pads: 2-1/2 x 3-3/4"(63,5 x 95,25 mm) / 3-3/4 x 3-3/4"(95,25 x 95,25 mm) / 3-3/4 x 6-1/2"(95,25 x 165,1 mm)
2229 雙面膠粘絕緣防水膠帶
耐電壓至25KV Ingredient : Nonregulated Fillers, Synthetic Rubber Mixture, Asphalt, Carbon Black 成分:非管制填料、合成橡膠混合物、瀝青、炭黑
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3M Scotchfil Electrical Insulation Putty 電氣絕緣膠泥 3M PUTTY絕緣膠膏帶 Scotchfil Electrical Insulation Putty is an electrical grade putty in a tape form. Scotchfil putty is UL Recognized as a splice insulation for electrical conductors at temperatures up to 176°F (80°C) when over-wrapped with either Scotch Super 33+ or Super 88 vinyl Electrical Tape. • To
insulate low voltage (600 volts and less) connections/ • To build up cable
splices and fill out major irregularities * 1/2 in x 60 in (38 mm x 1,53 m), 125 mil, 12 per case
3M Tape Wrapping Tips 3M 膠帶纏繞技巧 |
Type of Tape |
Number of Layers/Application Instructions |
Vinyl Electrical - Jacketing and Mechanical Protection PVC電氣膠帶 – 外表保護和機構性保護 |
Always use a minimum of two half-lapped layers. The last layer should be wrapped in a more relaxed manner -- let the last wrap relax to prevent the layer from flagging.膠帶一半寬度層層搭接 至少使用兩層。最後一層應以更寬鬆的方式纏繞 - 讓最後一段結束纏繞時,以放鬆無張力方式貼上,以防止該段鬆脫。 |
Rubber Tapes - Electrical Insulation, Mechanical Padding, Water Sealing and Shaping 橡膠膠帶 - 電氣絕緣、機械填充、防水和填充成型 |
Wrap tape tightly to achieve the water tight seal. Rubber tapes are typically overwrapped with vinyl tape. 緊緊纏繞膠帶以實現防水密封。橡膠膠帶通常用PVC膠帶包裹。 |
High Voltage Tapes - Insulating and Semi-conductive Layers 高壓膠帶 – 用於絕緣層和半導體層 |
Apply outside of roll to the cable, in highly stretched half-lapped layers. Never use a semi-conductive tape as an insulation. 將膠帶拉開伸展 以膠帶外側面貼在電纜上 一半寬度層層搭接。勿使用半導體膠帶作為絕緣膠帶。 |
Mastic Compounds - Insulating, Mechanical Padding, Moisture Sealing and Shaping 膠泥化合物膠帶 - 絕緣、機械填充、防潮密封和成型 |
Mastic compounds are to be overwrapped with vinyl tapes to initiate flow and watertight seal. Do not apply excessive amount of mastic to prevent oozing. 膠泥化合物膠帶纏繞好時 應該用PVC膠帶再包裹 使其具有撥水流動性和防水密封性。不要用過量的膠泥以防止滲漏。 |
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